Here's our most recent webinar uploaded to YouTube. Follow here or on FaceBook to register for the next webinar in November! While we have been
Goals of FOV | Vitrectomy to Remove Floaters
The goal of FOV (vitrectomy to remove floaters) is to significantly reduce the amount or number of floaters WITHOUT causing damage to the eye. In
What is a Floater? | The Perfect Floater
There are no specific characteristics of your floaters which will determine if vitrectomy will be helpful or not. The most important factor is to
I Have New Floaters | Patient Advocacy
Have new floaters? What should you do? All new floaters must be examined. The biggest medical concern is that the floaters are caused by a
What is a PVD? | Posterior Vitreous Detachment
A posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a normal event, that is, it will occur in everyone as we age. People who are nearsighted, have had cataract
Live Webinar with Q & A | The Process of Vitrectomy
I'm hosting another webinar in April "Treatment for Floaters | The Process of Vitrectomy." You'll need to register for the webinar. I'll be