I’m hosting another webinar in April “Treatment for Floaters | The Process of Vitrectomy.”
You’ll need to register for the webinar. I’ll be conducting the webinar via “Go To Meeting.”
The webinar will be offered two different times during the same week of April, 2015. As many of you are following from so many different time zones around the world, I’ve staggered the times as before, but both sessions will eventually be posted on YouTube.
The Process of Vitrectomy
I have hosted several webinars related to the treatment of floaters over the past 2 years and have found them very valuable for educating you about vitrectomy.
This year, I plan to have a short presentation on the process to have a vitrectomy to remove your floaters. We’ll cover everything from;
- scheduling initial consultation
- the surgery center
- technical aspects of vitrectomy
- types of anesthesia
- recovery time/healing time
- follow-up
- risks and benefits of vitrectomy
Q and A | Treatment for Floaters
After the short presentation, I’ll open up the rest of the session for a live question and answer period. This seems to be most valuable to those of you considering vitrectomy to remove your floaters. As this is going to be live, the content (the presentation) will be the same, but there may be some slight variance in the questions asked.
Registration information is below.
I hope you can make it!