This is a great video to demonstrate a vitrectomy, or FOV, in a patient who has had previous cataract surgery and a posterior vitreous
Restrictions After FOV
You expect to resume virtually all physical activity just after having an FOV (Floater Only Vitrectomy). This is true for almost all of my patients
What Replaces the Vitreous Humor After Vitrectomy?
What replaces the vitreous and vitreous humor after vitrectomy or AKA FOV? The answer is that your eye produces it's own saline solution. Vitreous
Floaters in the Pre Macular Bursa
Floaters in the premacular bursa are easily removed by vitrectomy (FOV). Floaters located in the premacular bursa are a concern only for those using
FOV (Vitrectomy) is Safe
The major risks of vitrectomy, or FOV, are blindness from infection and retinal detachment. These are actually the major worries of any intraocular
Difference Between FOV and Vitrectomy
There is no difference between FOV (Floater Only Vitrectomy) and a vitrectomy. They are exactly the same operation. FOV is a term used by patients