This is a great video to demonstrate a vitrectomy, or FOV, in a patient who has had previous cataract surgery and a posterior vitreous
Goals of FOV | Vitrectomy to Remove Floaters
The goal of FOV (vitrectomy to remove floaters) is to significantly reduce the amount or number of floaters WITHOUT causing damage to the eye. In
Healing After FOV | Vitrectomy
There are two types of "healing" following your FOV. There is the visual recovery and time it takes the eye to heal. Both are usually
25 Gauge Vitrectomy (FOV) to Remove Floaters | Sutures Used
Just recently, I performed a vitrectomy, or FOV, to remove floaters in the right eye of a 40 year old male. He has had longstanding floaters in both
Restrictions After FOV
You expect to resume virtually all physical activity just after having an FOV (Floater Only Vitrectomy). This is true for almost all of my patients
Vitrectomy and FOV |Treatment for Floaters
Vitrectomy is the medical term, whereas FOV (Floater Only Vitrectomy) is the "layman's term" for the operation to remove the vitreous. Vitrectomy