What replaces the vitreous and vitreous humor after vitrectomy or AKA FOV? The answer is that your eye produces it's own saline solution. Vitreous
Treatment for Floaters | Process of Vitrectomy | Webinar
On April 12, 2015, I hosted a webinar for the treatment of floaters and I had a short presentation outlining the process of having a vitrectomy (FOV)
What is a PVD? | Posterior Vitreous Detachment
A posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a normal event, that is, it will occur in everyone as we age. People who are nearsighted, have had cataract
Live Webinar with Q & A | The Process of Vitrectomy
I'm hosting another webinar in April "Treatment for Floaters | The Process of Vitrectomy." You'll need to register for the webinar. I'll be
Vitrectomy and FOV |Treatment for Floaters
Vitrectomy is the medical term, whereas FOV (Floater Only Vitrectomy) is the "layman's term" for the operation to remove the vitreous. Vitrectomy
Lattice Degeneration | Vitrectomy for Floaters
Lattice degeneration is a common and normal finding in the retina. While it may increase your chance of developing a retinal detachment, it is not a